Stay up-to-date on what’s being said on social media with real-time listening and analysis of conversations about brands, competitors, products and topics. In the Insight area, use metrics and audience data from your social pages to make more informed decisions. Schedule posts, manage content and create columns with PostPickr on all your social channels on Facebook, Instagram, X-Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google My Business, Pinterest and Telegram.
Social Media
Track posts in real time, sort them by engagement, monitor trends and get customised alerts.

Sentiment, engagement and most used emoji are just some of the analysis metrics that are always available. Link your Facebook page and gain insight into your fans' audience data and best time to get connected.

Create engaging posts, schedule and publish them on Facebook directly from PostPickr!

Find out what determines the ups and downs in visibility, set customised tags, perform targeted searches with our advanced filters.

Measure the virality of posts and find out the most influential authors. Link your X-Twitter page and gain insight into your follower growth and engagement trends.

Create powerful content, schedule and publish it on X-Twitter directly from PostPickr!

Link your LinkedIn page, analyse performance and check the composition of your followers, from professional profile to seniority and physical location.

Create content for professionals in your industry, schedule and publish it on LinkedIn, directly from PostPickr!

Track mentions, discover the posts with the most engagement, extrapolate the data into Excel and import the best posts in your general press review.

Analyse the performance of posts, measure the reach of the most used hashtags and save time with our real-time dashboard. Link your Instagram page to keep track of your audience data, views and content popularity.

Create attractive content, schedule and publish it on Instagram, directly from Postpickr!

Monitor YouTube videos that mention you, identify the ones with the highest number of views to understand what works best.

Study the metrics of the channels you are interested in and analyse reach and engagement trends.

Create engaging videos, schedule and publish them on YouTube, directly from PostPickr!

Don't miss TikTok videos mentioning your brand, spot viral trends in real time and set alerts to keep you informed.

Discover your favourite creators, the most viewed videos, compare them and identify the characteristics of a winning content.

Create impactful videos, schedule and post on TikTok from PostPickr!